I would like to tell you guys something about these people who we called as maid, bibik, orang gaji, amah, etc... Nowadays, in Malaysia, I belief that the Indonesian maid is the most popular. Compare to Filiphinos, Cambodian, etc. the Indonesian is the most easiest maid to get, the most cheapest to pay and the most understoodable (ada ker perkataan nie? aku bedal jer!!!) to communicate. Paling kurang pun dia paham la apa yang kita cakap...
My Ex-Maid
This is the story of my own ex-maid. Kali pertama aku ambik maid... terpaksa sebenarnya bila memikirkan my mum terlalu sibuk with her tailoring. She have no problem to take care of Anggun but for Alam, rasanya kalut sangat. We first decided to get my aunty a house @ ENSTEK, so dia boleh duduk dekat dengan aku and tolong jaga mu kids... But then, after a few times jadi and then tak jadi, then jadi balik... lepas tu tak jadi lagi, then we decided to get a maid.
the first agent janji nak bagi maid from Sabah. We paid RM2000 (my own money!!!) and after 4 months rasanya, he senyap and senyap... After pushing him for so many times, he finally return my RM1700 and promised to try to get for me a maid. Kiranya RM300 tu tambang dia nak pergi carik maid kat Sabah and I told him that I will only pay him after he bring me the maid.
after all, we contacted an Indonesian agent directly in Medan. Then, we got the maid. Her name is Dinawati (not sure either this is the actual name or not but this name is registered in her passport). She was ok for the first 3 months. Excellent I can say. But the truth colour only appears on the 4th months. Yelah, warranty period pun dah habis kan?
Working @ my house tak la susah sangat. The priority is to take care of Alam. And every work yang we all suruh dia buat, mesti ada ayat, "KALAU ALAM TIDO NANTI...". During the day time, aku hantar dia + the kids to my mum's house. Aku memang tak percaya dia tinggal kat rumah aku...
People always says that "kalau kita tak percayakan maid kita, kita takkan senang hati nak buat kerja bila teringatkan anak2 kita yang ada dengan dia". So, I tried my very best to trust her...
But she give me shit!!!
1. She always ignore Anggun and raised her voice when Anggun asked her to play with her.
2. She always compared herself with other maids (my friends' maid)
3. She tried to carik pasal with my mum sebab dia tak nak pergi rumah my mum. Dia selalu carik alasan, kononnya dia bengang with my mum... sebab apa? sebab my mum selalu report kat aku pasal dia.
I did asked her once, "salah ke emak saya bagitahu yang awak selalu tak jaga Alam betul2? Salah ke emak saya bagitahu saya yang awak selalu bergayut kat hp? Saya yang bayar gaji awak, saya yang suruh emak saya tengok2kan awak!". Lepas tu, tahu pulak dia jawab, "TAK SALAH."
4. I started to realise yang Anggun & Alam ada timing untuk tido. At first aku rasa bagus jugak diaorg nie... At the end aku tangkap dia yang asyik bagi ubat batuk kat Anggun & Alam supaya diaorg senang tido and senang untuk dia la... Kurang ajar!!! I accidently heard her mentioned, "Lssaknya budak Alam ini. Mari sini makan ubat. Lepas tu boleh tidur." Aku terus jerkah dia... "Baru pukul 10.30 pagi tadi bagi ubat, sekarang nie pukul 12.30 thghari. Berapa kali sehari bagi ubat kat budak2?"
Terkedu dia. Lepas tu, aku memang tak sedap hati. Tapi on the same time, aku and Anggun memang tak sihat. Aku pun makan ubat and lepas tu tidur...
5. Bila bangun dari tido, I saw Anggun was also sleepin in front of the tv. I went to see Alam. Guess what? Alam punya benjol kat kepala punya la besar and lebam hitam warna dia. "Alam jatuh ibu. Dia lasak sangat. Anggun tertolak dia."
I mati2 percaya. Bila Anggun bangun dr tido, malam tu aku slow2 tanya Anggun. Anggun denied it. Dia kata, lepas aku masuk tido, dia pun tertido atas kerusi depan tv. Aku jadi tak sedap hati... I told Azimin about it but then, Azimin pujuk aku jangan ikut sangat hati. So, untuk sedapkan hati kitaorg, we took her words.
After almost 2 weeks, Alam's benjol till there. So many people asked her what happened and guess what? She keep changing her answer... Aku mula syak something wrong. Bila aku keep asking her, dia jadi tak senang duduk...
Azimin & me got some clues from someone (I prefer to mention it as petunjuk). After all, we got to know yg my maid yang benamkan dahi Alam for a few times dekat lantai, tiang katil and bucu almari... So mean!!! Sakit hati aku. Azimin & me straight away decided to terminate her!!!. We went to see doc to get more clear pic of Alam's benjol and doc agreed that Alam bukan setakat jatuh.
That night, we confranted her... Dia memang tak mengaku but after all, aku cakap kat dia.., "saya bagi awak 2 pilihan. 1 - kami hantar awak balik Indon esok. 2- Awak boleh keluar dari rumah saya, lepas tu saya report polis. Kalau awak nak keluar dari rumah saya, malam nie pun awak boleh keluar."
She choose to go back to Indon but requested to go on Saturday. Azimin ok with it. I was not agreed but then, Azimin said, biarlah dia... Aku kalau boleh nak dia keluar malam tu jugak.
We went to imigration to cancell her working permit all the matters but then they need the flight ticket. We went to buy her flight ticket and went back to imigration again. Done!!! When we reached home, aku nampak grill tertutup dari luar and I had a feeling yg dia dah cabut. YES, dia cabut. Aku memang dapat rasa yg dia takkan balik Indon... We made a police report then...
6. she used black magic. My mum ada pernah kata yg dia pernah nampak my maid nie mulut dia terkumat-kamit baca something masa kat umah dia. I belief Alam also SAW something that made him feel so scared. Both my kids tetiba jadi takut dengan my maid. Anggun sampai tak nak suruh my maid buatkan susu..
After all this things happened, I feel so attached my the kids. Anggun jadi macam kawan dengan aku. Alam jadi manja sangat. I'm happy taking care of them. Walaupun penat, rasa PUAS! But Azimin still have in mind to get a maid. Dia risau dia tak dapat pay attention to his research & PhD things. Somemore, out-station banyak... I was not agreed with his idea but then, thinking of his PhD, aku agree tapi bersyarat! I will manage the maid and I will be the boss!!! Earlier, Azimin yang managed the maid sebab mengikut firasat Azimin, aku nie cepat panas baran!!! Dia takut aku dera maid kitaorg. At the end, anak aku yg kena dera!!!
The pic shown tu was after 2 weeks Alam 'jatuh'... Can you imagine the first day Alam 'jatuh'?
really scared to read ur stories...
i just got a maid...
she doesn't know how to handle baby...
i pn jd tkt sbb xreti handle baby...
so myself and asben decided to send my baby to nursery and let our maid take care of the house and my 1st daughter...
really scared to read ur stories...
i just got a maid...
she doesn't know how to handle baby...
i pn jd tkt sbb xreti handle baby...
so myself and asben decided to send my baby to nursery and let our maid take care of the house and my 1st daughter...
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