Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm Back With A New Spirit

It has been quite sometimes dah tak update my blog. Bukan apa, busy sesangat menguruskan bebudak dua orang nie. Bangun pagi, kemas rumah, siapkan Anggun and hantar Anggun pergi kindergarden. Lepas tu, berterusan la jaga bebudak nie. tengahhari pulak nak kena ambik Anggun kat kindergarden... Memang memenatkan...

I was not feeling well starting last 2 weeks. Rasa macam nak pitam. I knew something wrong with me tapi malas nak kecoh2. But last week memang dah rasa teruk sangat. Then, paksakan diri pergi jumpa doctor jugak. I asked the doc to check my pressure sebab I have a history of LOW BLOOD PRESSURE. YES... 60 bawah 90. I dont really understand what does it mean in medical explaination tapi aku tahu memang LOW. Sebab last time yang aku pitam masa drive tu, it was around 68-70 tak silap aku... Doc asked me to take a rest, really rest. Jangan stress... And that was a good reason for me to TAKE LEAVE from taking care of the kids and buat kerja2 umah... YES!!!

A lots of things happened but rasanya tak larat nak letak semua kat sini. Azimin is applying a lot / shop in UKM. We plan nak jual art & professional stationery (bukan macam kedai stationery biasa tu. This one is more on architecture & engineering students needs), some IT products (supply from Alex of course) and we plan to buat snack bar (may be sandwiches, cakes, pastries, etc). Semua still dalam perancangan...

Oklah... promise will 'sambungkan' later... Next week my cousin's engagement... Tak la banyak sangat menolongnya pun... Tapi tengah pening nak pikir nak pakai baju apa... Kalau tak sempat, may be beli jer la kat mana2 kot!!!

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