Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Really busy this few weeks!!! God, help me. My schedule is so tight since my co-partner @ office is still under maternity leave. Yeah! We take turn, hehehehe!!! Now is the semester break for the students but then, we are under-going a non-stop meetings and going to continue with the short semester enrolment.

This week is already busy with the enrolment preparation + the Pre-Board Meetings. I just went one this morning. One more will be on Thursday. One more on Monday (next week). Next Wednesday is already the enrolment, so, the whole week is gone!!! After that, the Subject Board & Principal Board. So tight until end of September. September is a short semester, so memang penat. But the best things, the semester break will be longer... Masa tu la nak rehat...

I'm getting a new staff. She is not new, we just transfer her from the Dean's Office to our programme. Why? Dont ask me why. Sometimes, we need to change. Yes, the former staff was not satisfied when we transfer her but we have to.

How do you feel working with someone who always raise her voice to you? She was working under my supervision but, may be because I am younger than her, she take things easily.

I'm being in the education line for almost 8 years. I can say, I am very professional while dealing with people and situations. I always put aside all the personal things. I dont even care what people want to talk about me. Work is work. As long as the work is done and I'm not getting into trouble, its fine...

To be frank, its quite upset when I got to know that this people given us a 'nickname'. They keep talking bad about others in the office. And, what make me feel much more upset, they are Malay. Melayu... Berapa kerat sangat lah Melayu yang ada kat situ. Ok, I still can put it aside. Its personal matter. But then, when an email about WORK was sent to the staff by me, 'this people' emailed each other and talking bad about me. I still remember this sentence 'bilalah agaknya dia nak blah? marilah kita doa'kan dia cepat-cepat blah'.

Excuse me! I'm a permanent staff, getting a good point every year during my appraisal, I was given assignments by assignments due to my experience and qualification. And the people who doing all these nonsense are only contract staff. their contract need to be renewed every year, and every year, we need to discuss, go through a few meetings just to discuss on their performance and to decide TO RENEW or NOT TO RENEW...

God is great! What a co-insidence, we found out about this during their contract renewal time. Allah Maha Adil, kan? In time we need to decide either to renew or not, the evidences came across us. And, we did not need to peningkan our kepala... So, all the evidence (work related) were stappled together with their appraisal form.

We are too KEJAM? I dont think so. How about them? We only taking the evidence of work related, not all the bad things that they did (including talking bad things about our Dean... just imagine when your boss caught you on this?)

Looking at them, I feel so sakit hati actually. These are the people who always forwarded the email about Al-Quran, Perkara2 yang Dimurkai Tuhan (I just received it from one of them this morning) and all the religious things. After all this things happened, what do you think my impression to them?

Entahlah... After making the decision, I can feel my burden memang hilang. Thanks God. For the first time (after having the final meeting on their performance last 2 weeks), I feel so FREE, my mind is so free on the weekend. I dont need this type of people working with me. And for the new staff who just joined me for a week, I really need to handle her properly. Hopefully, pisang tak berbuah 2 kali.

Hey! I'm not that bad. I did promote a few staff who I think can go further. You can ask some of them. This is the first time I requested my bosses to think about MY walfare (hahaha!!) Even my big boss's PA did mentioned this to the bosses, "Herleena thinking of tranfer to other department. She got an offer from upstairs." Our Corporate Offices (President Office, Sr. Management Offices, etc) are located in 4th floor, that's why we called it 'upstairs'. Hahahaha... Thanks 'Jazz' (bukan nama sebenar)...

Ok guys, work smart!

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