Saturday, December 27, 2008
Anggun's Concert - Con't from the previous entry...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tak Perlu Menjadi INSAN TERSAYANG Untuk Berbakti
Why this title came across my mind to be the heading sedangkan banyak lagi title lain yang boleh dijadikan heading. Entahlah, may be my emotional made me feel that way…
Mama told me about my late grandfather’s house yang dah setahun lebih tak berbayar. Actually, that house has been used by my uncle + aunty for refinancing for a few times and now masing2 buat bodoh, tak bayar… what happened was… ayah’s house is in the compound of my late grandfather’s house and of course, secara tak langsung will be affected.
Ayah is a very good son-in-law. Tak pernah ambil hati sikitpun even dulu dia bukanlah menantu kesayangan. Aku ingat lagi, masa dulu Ayah taklah sesenang sekarang. Ayah worked hard to send us to school, to give a comfortable life for us. Ayah buat macam2 kerja just to make sure kami adik-beradik dapat apa yang sepatutnya kami dapat.
Aku tak pernah lupa yang my grandmother (I called her Mak Wan) and my aunty (of course yang dia nie anak kesayangan Mak Wan) pernah ejek Ayah… They were comparing Ayah with my aunty’s husband yang kerja kat bank (I believed yang he just officer biasa jerk at bank tinggal of course as a bank staff dia dapat a few facilities, loan, etc…)
Bila Arwah Atuk (my mum’s father) sakit kaki a few years before he passed away, Ayahlah orang yang bawak Arwah Atuk pergi hospital for check-up. Tak cukup dengan tu, Ayah bawak Arwah Atuk pergi berubat cara tradisional bila dia dah give-up dengan hospital. Ayah tak pernah mengeluh sikit pun sebab tu. And Ayah tak pernah kisah bila dia kena selalu ambil cuti.
Ayah bukanlah menantu kesayangan Mak Wan… Tapi Ayah tak pernah ambil hati sebab pada Ayah, as a son-in-law, tak salah menolong. Arwah Atuk cukup baik dengan Ayah. Bila Arwah Atuk mintak tolong Ayah bawakkan dia pergi berubat, Arwah Atuk akan datang rumah kami seorang sebab Mak Wan too busy dengan anak kesayangan dia…
Bila Arwah Atuk dah makin tak sihat, Arwah Atuk mintak Ayah & Mama jaga dia. Tapi, Arwah Atuk nak duduk dekat rumah dia sendiri. Atuk offered Ayah untuk buat rumah dekat kawasan rumah dia (it is a terrace house – corner lot with a very big compound). Ayah tak banyak cerita, kesiankan Atuk and Ayah buat renovation kat rumah Atuk & sambung terus jadi 2 rumah, all the cost on his hand. Sepatah pun Ayah tak pernah bersuara “sebab saya dah invest buat rumah kat sini, saya nak hak rumah nie.” NEVER!!! Itu bukan Ayah.
You guys nak tahu Ayah jenis orang yang macam mana? Sebatang pen kat office pun dia tak pernah bawak balik for his own good sepanjang dia kerja dekat MAS. And Ayah dah kerja dengan MAS lebih 40 tahun and now under contract basis. Dah dekat 5 kali dah MAS sambung contract Ayah lepas Ayah retired.
Masa Atuk sakit, my aunty + uncle mintak Atuk geran rumah for them to do refinancing. They got a lot of money that time. Belief me, the amount that the bank value the house was more than RM 300K masa tahun 1999 / 2000. You guys imagine sendiri how much money they got and how much they are supposed to pay the bank + the interest.
Now is the end of 2008. Atuk’s house + Ayah’s house dah jadi macam welfare house. One of my mum’s sister staying @ Ayah’s house and going to move to her own house soon. Mak Wan is staying @ Ayah’s house as well. Atuk’s house? My mum’s eldest brother staying there for FREE.
Ayah tak pernah bersungut. My aunty yang duduk kat rumah Ayah pun, Ayah tak pernah mintak duit sewa. Tinggal baru nie lepas diaorang dapat duit EPF, they paid some amount to my dad as THANK YOU. Ayah really appreciated that. They planned to buy Ayah’s house at the first place tapi lepas tu tak jadi bila dapat tahu yang duit bank tak berbayar lebih setahun.
Don’t tell me both my mum’s adik2 tu tak tahu yang they have to pay the bank loan. They knew of course tapi pada diaorang, kisah apa… bukan rumah depa. Rumah tu rumah Atuk and Atuk dah tak ada. Mak Wan tak kisah sebab diaorang anak kesayangan. Rumah Ayah?
I would like to drag your attention to a tragedy happened to me back on 2002 – 2001. I just started to build my career and one of my uncle (Mak Wan’s beloved son of course) dah mula menyusahkan hidup aku and itulah yang membuatkan sampai hari nie, aku tak bertegur sapa langsung dengan dia even masa hari raya.
My mum’s youngest brother came to me for help. Mintak tolong jadi ‘gerentor’ sebab dia nak beli kereta, it was a second hand car. Ayah pesan pada aku, tak salah tolong dia. I helped them and what a surprised, rupanya he bought a car using his friend’s name. His name was blacklisted.
2 months after that, I planned to buy a car and guess what? Nama aku tak lepas. Why? He never pay even a single cent for the car. Starting from that, aku start masam muka. Ayah yang pujuk dia supaya bayar duit tu. I thought semuanya dah ok sampailah satu hari, masa tu dalam a few months before my wedding… I got a call from a bank mengatakan yang kereta my uncle dah banyak bulan tak bayar.
Aku hilang sabar, I decided to find where was my uncle that time and I never got a help from Mak Wan. Mak Wan told me “siapa suruh bodoh pergi sign”… I was very upset when a grandmother mentioned that to me… Aku nekad, aku jadi private investigation to know where was my uncle’s latest house masa tu… Finally, I gave the address to the bank and paid them RM 600 for them to tarik kereta.
Aku dapat berbakul-bakul sumpah seranah dari my uncle’s wife masa tu… Kisah apa aku, nasib baik aku tak upah orang puluk diaorg sekali. I thought the incident dah selesai, rupanya tak. Lepas kereta tu dilelong, the balance yang my uncle janji nak bayar, tak dibayar pun. My uncle’s friend banyak kali mintak aku tolong dia sebab dia nak beli rumah tak dapat…
One day, I received a lawyer’s letter regarding the car. Aku mulalah mengamuk balik. After negotiating, I paid to the bank for the balance of the amount, every month RM 400 sampailah semuanya selesai… Ayah helped me a lot selain tolong selesaikan half of the amount.
Aku hanya mula buat bank loan lepas semua hutang my uncle tu selesai. I believed, I have a good reason for ignoring him and his family until now. They were not in any of my invitation list for any event, even my wedding.
Orang2 macam nie lah yang sebenarnya buat hidup orang lain merna… percayalah, kerana darah daging sendirilah rasa sakit itu lebih terasa.
Orang-orang di atas bukanlah pertama kali buat perangai macam nie. I told my mum, bukan aku tak mahu tolong untuk bayarkan rumah Ayah & Arwah Atuk tu, tapi kalau aku bayar, apa yang aku dapat. Aku dah cukup serik bayarkan hutang orang...
Kesian Mama, kesian Ayah. Puas aku fikir apa yang aku boleh buat untuk tolong diaorg. Apalagi, Ayah built the house bukan masa Ayah senang macam sekarang. At the end I told my mum apa yang aku akan buat untuk diaorg… I went to the bank, asking when the house to be LELONG. I made and verbal agreement with the officer in-charge, asked them to let me know when the house going to be LELONG. I will buy the house and I don’t want any of them (Mak Wan, aunties & uncles) to know who is the owner. I will return back the house to Ayah because Ayah has the right to the house.
Kalau ditanya ke mana Mak Wan akan tinggal lepas nie, I have asked Mama untuk ajak Mak Wan tinggal dengan Mama & Ayah. Kalau ditanya ke mana orang2 lain akan tinggal (since that house so called welfare house), aku tak tahu… Masing-masing dah besar, sendiri mau ingat la…
That where the long title came across my mind for the heading for today’s entry…
Mama told me about my late grandfather’s house yang dah setahun lebih tak berbayar. Actually, that house has been used by my uncle + aunty for refinancing for a few times and now masing2 buat bodoh, tak bayar… what happened was… ayah’s house is in the compound of my late grandfather’s house and of course, secara tak langsung will be affected.
Ayah is a very good son-in-law. Tak pernah ambil hati sikitpun even dulu dia bukanlah menantu kesayangan. Aku ingat lagi, masa dulu Ayah taklah sesenang sekarang. Ayah worked hard to send us to school, to give a comfortable life for us. Ayah buat macam2 kerja just to make sure kami adik-beradik dapat apa yang sepatutnya kami dapat.
Aku tak pernah lupa yang my grandmother (I called her Mak Wan) and my aunty (of course yang dia nie anak kesayangan Mak Wan) pernah ejek Ayah… They were comparing Ayah with my aunty’s husband yang kerja kat bank (I believed yang he just officer biasa jerk at bank tinggal of course as a bank staff dia dapat a few facilities, loan, etc…)
Bila Arwah Atuk (my mum’s father) sakit kaki a few years before he passed away, Ayahlah orang yang bawak Arwah Atuk pergi hospital for check-up. Tak cukup dengan tu, Ayah bawak Arwah Atuk pergi berubat cara tradisional bila dia dah give-up dengan hospital. Ayah tak pernah mengeluh sikit pun sebab tu. And Ayah tak pernah kisah bila dia kena selalu ambil cuti.
Ayah bukanlah menantu kesayangan Mak Wan… Tapi Ayah tak pernah ambil hati sebab pada Ayah, as a son-in-law, tak salah menolong. Arwah Atuk cukup baik dengan Ayah. Bila Arwah Atuk mintak tolong Ayah bawakkan dia pergi berubat, Arwah Atuk akan datang rumah kami seorang sebab Mak Wan too busy dengan anak kesayangan dia…
Bila Arwah Atuk dah makin tak sihat, Arwah Atuk mintak Ayah & Mama jaga dia. Tapi, Arwah Atuk nak duduk dekat rumah dia sendiri. Atuk offered Ayah untuk buat rumah dekat kawasan rumah dia (it is a terrace house – corner lot with a very big compound). Ayah tak banyak cerita, kesiankan Atuk and Ayah buat renovation kat rumah Atuk & sambung terus jadi 2 rumah, all the cost on his hand. Sepatah pun Ayah tak pernah bersuara “sebab saya dah invest buat rumah kat sini, saya nak hak rumah nie.” NEVER!!! Itu bukan Ayah.
You guys nak tahu Ayah jenis orang yang macam mana? Sebatang pen kat office pun dia tak pernah bawak balik for his own good sepanjang dia kerja dekat MAS. And Ayah dah kerja dengan MAS lebih 40 tahun and now under contract basis. Dah dekat 5 kali dah MAS sambung contract Ayah lepas Ayah retired.
Masa Atuk sakit, my aunty + uncle mintak Atuk geran rumah for them to do refinancing. They got a lot of money that time. Belief me, the amount that the bank value the house was more than RM 300K masa tahun 1999 / 2000. You guys imagine sendiri how much money they got and how much they are supposed to pay the bank + the interest.
Now is the end of 2008. Atuk’s house + Ayah’s house dah jadi macam welfare house. One of my mum’s sister staying @ Ayah’s house and going to move to her own house soon. Mak Wan is staying @ Ayah’s house as well. Atuk’s house? My mum’s eldest brother staying there for FREE.
Ayah tak pernah bersungut. My aunty yang duduk kat rumah Ayah pun, Ayah tak pernah mintak duit sewa. Tinggal baru nie lepas diaorang dapat duit EPF, they paid some amount to my dad as THANK YOU. Ayah really appreciated that. They planned to buy Ayah’s house at the first place tapi lepas tu tak jadi bila dapat tahu yang duit bank tak berbayar lebih setahun.
Don’t tell me both my mum’s adik2 tu tak tahu yang they have to pay the bank loan. They knew of course tapi pada diaorang, kisah apa… bukan rumah depa. Rumah tu rumah Atuk and Atuk dah tak ada. Mak Wan tak kisah sebab diaorang anak kesayangan. Rumah Ayah?
I would like to drag your attention to a tragedy happened to me back on 2002 – 2001. I just started to build my career and one of my uncle (Mak Wan’s beloved son of course) dah mula menyusahkan hidup aku and itulah yang membuatkan sampai hari nie, aku tak bertegur sapa langsung dengan dia even masa hari raya.
My mum’s youngest brother came to me for help. Mintak tolong jadi ‘gerentor’ sebab dia nak beli kereta, it was a second hand car. Ayah pesan pada aku, tak salah tolong dia. I helped them and what a surprised, rupanya he bought a car using his friend’s name. His name was blacklisted.
2 months after that, I planned to buy a car and guess what? Nama aku tak lepas. Why? He never pay even a single cent for the car. Starting from that, aku start masam muka. Ayah yang pujuk dia supaya bayar duit tu. I thought semuanya dah ok sampailah satu hari, masa tu dalam a few months before my wedding… I got a call from a bank mengatakan yang kereta my uncle dah banyak bulan tak bayar.
Aku hilang sabar, I decided to find where was my uncle that time and I never got a help from Mak Wan. Mak Wan told me “siapa suruh bodoh pergi sign”… I was very upset when a grandmother mentioned that to me… Aku nekad, aku jadi private investigation to know where was my uncle’s latest house masa tu… Finally, I gave the address to the bank and paid them RM 600 for them to tarik kereta.
Aku dapat berbakul-bakul sumpah seranah dari my uncle’s wife masa tu… Kisah apa aku, nasib baik aku tak upah orang puluk diaorg sekali. I thought the incident dah selesai, rupanya tak. Lepas kereta tu dilelong, the balance yang my uncle janji nak bayar, tak dibayar pun. My uncle’s friend banyak kali mintak aku tolong dia sebab dia nak beli rumah tak dapat…
One day, I received a lawyer’s letter regarding the car. Aku mulalah mengamuk balik. After negotiating, I paid to the bank for the balance of the amount, every month RM 400 sampailah semuanya selesai… Ayah helped me a lot selain tolong selesaikan half of the amount.
Aku hanya mula buat bank loan lepas semua hutang my uncle tu selesai. I believed, I have a good reason for ignoring him and his family until now. They were not in any of my invitation list for any event, even my wedding.
Orang2 macam nie lah yang sebenarnya buat hidup orang lain merna… percayalah, kerana darah daging sendirilah rasa sakit itu lebih terasa.
Orang-orang di atas bukanlah pertama kali buat perangai macam nie. I told my mum, bukan aku tak mahu tolong untuk bayarkan rumah Ayah & Arwah Atuk tu, tapi kalau aku bayar, apa yang aku dapat. Aku dah cukup serik bayarkan hutang orang...
Kesian Mama, kesian Ayah. Puas aku fikir apa yang aku boleh buat untuk tolong diaorg. Apalagi, Ayah built the house bukan masa Ayah senang macam sekarang. At the end I told my mum apa yang aku akan buat untuk diaorg… I went to the bank, asking when the house to be LELONG. I made and verbal agreement with the officer in-charge, asked them to let me know when the house going to be LELONG. I will buy the house and I don’t want any of them (Mak Wan, aunties & uncles) to know who is the owner. I will return back the house to Ayah because Ayah has the right to the house.
Kalau ditanya ke mana Mak Wan akan tinggal lepas nie, I have asked Mama untuk ajak Mak Wan tinggal dengan Mama & Ayah. Kalau ditanya ke mana orang2 lain akan tinggal (since that house so called welfare house), aku tak tahu… Masing-masing dah besar, sendiri mau ingat la…
That where the long title came across my mind for the heading for today’s entry…
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What Happen To My AZAM 2008?
It has been sometimes for me not to write anything here… Really busy and I feel I cant cope with the schedule most of the time… December almost coming to the end and January is waving… New spirit? Of course!!! I want to be a better person, a better Herleena and also a better Eleen…
Selalunya bila end of the year, kita akan siapkan a list of AZAM on what we want to achieve next year. But, berapa ramai antara kita yang make a comparison list, have we achieved the earlier AZAM? Lets do it now…
Azam 2008 (you can refer to 2008 January write-up)
1. To stabilize Archiforce Invent & Gaia Arts & Gifts.
2. To make a come back for Anggun Maya.
3. To resign from _ _ _ _ (tak lama lagi, insyaallah)
4. To convert Archiforce Invent as a Sdn Bhd company.
5. To spend time with my family @ vacation.
6. To make sure our honeymoon jadi kenyataan (inilah yang tiap2 tahun, tiap2 bulan dicakapkan, tapi tak pernahnya jadi!!!)
7. To get back my old figure & body (nak kurus lah… )
8. To save more and more money…
9. To open an account in Tabung Haji.
10. Lagi satu… Nak menambahkan harta (insyaallah)
I’m planning to bring the kids to experience the snow during the winter time end of 2008. Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki… Selama nie, kalau pergi (baik Azimin, baik aku) semuanya sebab kerja… Tapi, kalau dapat pergi London masa Summer Sale pun, best gak!!!
My AZAM 2009 is more on improvement version of my AZAM 2008. Lets do some analyzing of my previous azam.
1. To stabilize Archiforce Invent & Gaia Arts & Gifts. = Its improving and currently we produced more design of t-shirts. After the Langkawi Geopark version, the latest versions are Obama (KL & Langkawi version), Breath, Malay House and Malaysia Map. We are expanding the business into X-Site, an art stationery shop + café @ UKM, nearby the Tun Sri Lanang Library.
2. To make a come back for Anggun Maya. = Its need a lot of time to improve. My mum & me are working on it and we are trying to create new business; such as women accessories…
3. To resign from _ _ _ _ (tak lama lagi, insyaallah) = DONE
4. To convert Archiforce Invent as a Sdn Bhd company. = Insyaallah, we are in process of ‘spin of company’ with UKM. It’s a long process, hopefully its going on smoothly.
5. To spend time with my family @ vacation. = Its were not a long vacation, just a break. Tak ada masa… But, I’m still planning for a long vacation.
6. To make sure our honeymoon jadi kenyataan (inilah yang tiap2 tahun, tiap2 bulan dicakapkan, tapi tak pernahnya jadi!!!) = For 2008, DONE. We spent a weekend at Hilton Sentral, and some trip to Kedah, etc…
7. To get back my old figure & body (nak kurus lah… ) = OK la… Better than earlier but I still need to work hard on it. To maintain yang susah… pantang tengok nasi lemak espy yg my mum buat…
8. To save more and more money… = Still saving…
9. To open an account in Tabung Haji. = Will do it by 2009, promise
10. Lagi satu… Nak menambahkan harta (insyaallah) = Insyaallah, dengan izinNya
I’m planning to bring the kids to experience the snow during the winter time end of 2008. Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki… Selama nie, kalau pergi (baik Azimin, baik aku) semuanya sebab kerja… Tapi, kalau dapat pergi London masa Summer Sale pun, best gak!!! = Not achievable for 2008. Budget lari….
Hopefully, for 2009, it will be better...
Selalunya bila end of the year, kita akan siapkan a list of AZAM on what we want to achieve next year. But, berapa ramai antara kita yang make a comparison list, have we achieved the earlier AZAM? Lets do it now…
Azam 2008 (you can refer to 2008 January write-up)
1. To stabilize Archiforce Invent & Gaia Arts & Gifts.
2. To make a come back for Anggun Maya.
3. To resign from _ _ _ _ (tak lama lagi, insyaallah)
4. To convert Archiforce Invent as a Sdn Bhd company.
5. To spend time with my family @ vacation.
6. To make sure our honeymoon jadi kenyataan (inilah yang tiap2 tahun, tiap2 bulan dicakapkan, tapi tak pernahnya jadi!!!)
7. To get back my old figure & body (nak kurus lah… )
8. To save more and more money…
9. To open an account in Tabung Haji.
10. Lagi satu… Nak menambahkan harta (insyaallah)
I’m planning to bring the kids to experience the snow during the winter time end of 2008. Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki… Selama nie, kalau pergi (baik Azimin, baik aku) semuanya sebab kerja… Tapi, kalau dapat pergi London masa Summer Sale pun, best gak!!!
My AZAM 2009 is more on improvement version of my AZAM 2008. Lets do some analyzing of my previous azam.
1. To stabilize Archiforce Invent & Gaia Arts & Gifts. = Its improving and currently we produced more design of t-shirts. After the Langkawi Geopark version, the latest versions are Obama (KL & Langkawi version), Breath, Malay House and Malaysia Map. We are expanding the business into X-Site, an art stationery shop + café @ UKM, nearby the Tun Sri Lanang Library.
2. To make a come back for Anggun Maya. = Its need a lot of time to improve. My mum & me are working on it and we are trying to create new business; such as women accessories…
3. To resign from _ _ _ _ (tak lama lagi, insyaallah) = DONE
4. To convert Archiforce Invent as a Sdn Bhd company. = Insyaallah, we are in process of ‘spin of company’ with UKM. It’s a long process, hopefully its going on smoothly.
5. To spend time with my family @ vacation. = Its were not a long vacation, just a break. Tak ada masa… But, I’m still planning for a long vacation.
6. To make sure our honeymoon jadi kenyataan (inilah yang tiap2 tahun, tiap2 bulan dicakapkan, tapi tak pernahnya jadi!!!) = For 2008, DONE. We spent a weekend at Hilton Sentral, and some trip to Kedah, etc…
7. To get back my old figure & body (nak kurus lah… ) = OK la… Better than earlier but I still need to work hard on it. To maintain yang susah… pantang tengok nasi lemak espy yg my mum buat…
8. To save more and more money… = Still saving…
9. To open an account in Tabung Haji. = Will do it by 2009, promise
10. Lagi satu… Nak menambahkan harta (insyaallah) = Insyaallah, dengan izinNya
I’m planning to bring the kids to experience the snow during the winter time end of 2008. Insyaallah, kalau ada rezeki… Selama nie, kalau pergi (baik Azimin, baik aku) semuanya sebab kerja… Tapi, kalau dapat pergi London masa Summer Sale pun, best gak!!! = Not achievable for 2008. Budget lari….
Hopefully, for 2009, it will be better...
Monday, December 8, 2008
How I Support Malaysian Entertainment Industry?
How? Thats the question. Most of the people selalu kata yang Malaysia entertainment industry 'no class' and i'm very sure most of us terlalu mengagung-agungkan muzik & filem luar. i do understand how do you guys feel about that but in the same time i belief, the people in the entertainment industry working so hard to upgrade it. We have to understand that our industry are still lacking in a lot of areas. the technology, the people mind and the support from local.
Malaysia has created numbers of creaticve people. They are not only the entainteners, but also a CREATOR to create a new breath in the industry. Percubaan berani KRU walaupun masih banyak kekurangan berbanding Hollywood tetap layak diberi pujian sebab kalau tidak mereka, tiada siapa yang berani mencuba.
Hasil creative berani dari Faizal Tahir mula membuka mata our local people to create more space for him. The first trial from Aizat shows his capability even he was not listed under the AF5 finalist. Elyana made a brave move when she diverted from a 'lemah longlai' music (in her 1st album) to funky & fast music then after realising not so many people willing to try that. Most of the singers always take a safe move and not willing to take a risk.
The willingness of Maya Karin, to change from her normal character (anggun women, even an anggun pontianak)to a 'budak jalanan' in Anak Halal. The combination with Farid Kamil memang menjadi. And I can see itu lakonan Maya Karin yang jujur even she did mentioned it in media, dia tak biasa cakap bahasa pasar macam yg dia lakonkan dalam Anak Halal. Sometimes, we dont need to be 'in' to be sincered...
Aku mengaku, aku tak pernah pergi tengok wayang cerita melayu sebab kebanyakannya, aku tengok kat astro. lepas a few months main kat wayang, keluarlah kat astro.
percaya tak yang last yang i went to Anugerah Juara Lagu last year? the intention was to see Faizal Tahir live but tak kesampaian. this year, again Faizal Tahir mengulangi sejarah AJLnya when 2 of his songs - Coba and Sampai Syurga were listed as a finalist. I will try my best to get tickets for that function.
As a conclusion, I always give a chance to new people to prove their talents sebab bukan semua orang akan berjaya dengan SEKALI PERCUBAAN. Kalau diikutkan, aku sendiri hanya berjaya lepas beberapa percubaan... Sebab tu aku percaya, semua orang layak diberi peluang....
Malaysia has created numbers of creaticve people. They are not only the entainteners, but also a CREATOR to create a new breath in the industry. Percubaan berani KRU walaupun masih banyak kekurangan berbanding Hollywood tetap layak diberi pujian sebab kalau tidak mereka, tiada siapa yang berani mencuba.
Hasil creative berani dari Faizal Tahir mula membuka mata our local people to create more space for him. The first trial from Aizat shows his capability even he was not listed under the AF5 finalist. Elyana made a brave move when she diverted from a 'lemah longlai' music (in her 1st album) to funky & fast music then after realising not so many people willing to try that. Most of the singers always take a safe move and not willing to take a risk.
The willingness of Maya Karin, to change from her normal character (anggun women, even an anggun pontianak)to a 'budak jalanan' in Anak Halal. The combination with Farid Kamil memang menjadi. And I can see itu lakonan Maya Karin yang jujur even she did mentioned it in media, dia tak biasa cakap bahasa pasar macam yg dia lakonkan dalam Anak Halal. Sometimes, we dont need to be 'in' to be sincered...
Aku mengaku, aku tak pernah pergi tengok wayang cerita melayu sebab kebanyakannya, aku tengok kat astro. lepas a few months main kat wayang, keluarlah kat astro.
percaya tak yang last yang i went to Anugerah Juara Lagu last year? the intention was to see Faizal Tahir live but tak kesampaian. this year, again Faizal Tahir mengulangi sejarah AJLnya when 2 of his songs - Coba and Sampai Syurga were listed as a finalist. I will try my best to get tickets for that function.
As a conclusion, I always give a chance to new people to prove their talents sebab bukan semua orang akan berjaya dengan SEKALI PERCUBAAN. Kalau diikutkan, aku sendiri hanya berjaya lepas beberapa percubaan... Sebab tu aku percaya, semua orang layak diberi peluang....
It Has Been A Long Paused!!!
Yes, it has been a long paused for me for not updating my blog. even, Anggun's Concert photos pun tak sempat nak update lagi. Too busy with work and I have received a verbal warning from Azimin for coming back late very often last month. Its all because of the Establishment Audit 2008, conducted by Ernst & Young for MOHE. Its my responsibility to ensure my department is up to date, a lot of things to do and in the same time helping the Academic's dept...
Anggun's school holidays!!! Arghhhh!!! I still oweing her to bring her somewhere... Not decided yet but rasanya, I'm not planning for a long journey trip. May be just a night or two at any hotel nearby. Anggun's intention just to mandi pool and staying in hotel. tu jer... lagipun, my parents brought her to Langkawi and Penang. Azimin just canme back from T'ganu for his research and I'm the obnly one who stucked here due to my tight schedules.
Dec 2008, time to clearing my annual leaves. i took quite a number of leaves, the same goes to my staff. Thus, i really need to hv an arrangement for the operation. Arghh!!! Really, i need a break. Decided to stay somewhere in KL for a night or two with Anggun & Alam... Not sure where but i already have a list in my mind!!!
Anggun's school holidays!!! Arghhhh!!! I still oweing her to bring her somewhere... Not decided yet but rasanya, I'm not planning for a long journey trip. May be just a night or two at any hotel nearby. Anggun's intention just to mandi pool and staying in hotel. tu jer... lagipun, my parents brought her to Langkawi and Penang. Azimin just canme back from T'ganu for his research and I'm the obnly one who stucked here due to my tight schedules.
Dec 2008, time to clearing my annual leaves. i took quite a number of leaves, the same goes to my staff. Thus, i really need to hv an arrangement for the operation. Arghh!!! Really, i need a break. Decided to stay somewhere in KL for a night or two with Anggun & Alam... Not sure where but i already have a list in my mind!!!
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